The best affiliate program on the internet

Earn up to $500 in monthly recurring revenue per customer

Help other business owners streamline their operations and earn thousands of dollars of recurring revenue. 

Every month, you'll earn a 35% commission on the payments made by each customer you refer. Yes, that's right!

Ready to start earning?

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How do I refer someone?

After signing up for our program, you'll get a unique code and link.
You can share this link with your friends, network, or post it on your social media and website.

Is there a limit to what I can earn? 

There is no limit to the number of users you can refer and the total amount you can earn with us.
However, commission are capped at $500 for each client. 

This means that if you refer a large client that pays us $2,000 per month, you'll receive $500 each month for this client.

What are the terms and conditions

The cookie duration is set at 60 days. This means that a lead you refer will have to subscribe within 2 months. 
The minimum amount to request a payout is $100
Payments are processed with a net-30 schedule. This means, for example, that commissions earned in January will be paid out by the end of February.

Prohibited Practices for Affiliates

As a member of our affiliate program, you must adhere to specific guidelines to maintain the integrity and legality of our promotional activities. It is strictly forbidden to refer yourself under any circumstances.

Additionally, in compliance with FTC regulations, you must clearly disclose your financial relationship with us when promoting our products; this means being transparent about receiving compensation for referrals.

Sharing your affiliate link on coupon or deal websites is also prohibited.

Please note that we reserve the right to review, accept, or invalidate referrals at our discretion based on our evaluation of compliance with these rules.

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Marketing teams

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Design teams

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Create sheets for all your projects and gather all emails, tasks, time tracking, expenses, documents, billing...

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Collaborate with your clients thanks to shared spaces.Impress your prospects with unique quotes.


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Intuitive & complete editor (down payments, discounts, credit notes...)
Automatically generate invoices
Custom docs to fit your brand (logo, color...)
Track views on your proposals / invoices & send automatic reminders

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presque magique.

Retrouver la fiche d'un client, ajouter un prospect, créer une tâche pour un projet...

Tout est simple et incroyablement rapide sur Hubflo.

Avec Hubflo, c'est toute votre entreprise qui va plus vite. 


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